
where does money go?

i'm almost certain there is a black hole sucking my money out of my bank account... does anyone know how to fix it? on a more positive note, i have started having nightmere's about travelling alone... are there still people trying to take over old castles in ireland... cause there were in my dreams.


T said...

the way I fix it is not to take manda out to eat.

L.Bo Marie said...

T, that's the best idea EVER....
instead.... cook her a nice meal... or better yet, cook us BOTH a nice meal!

Amanda said...

hey t i don't really eat that much that it is so expensive that all my money disappears. so mandrin?

T said...

you're payin' this time...and about the cooking a meal thing? you bring the steaks...I'll burn them..or the salmon steaks...mmmmmmmm