
the time the skid came in.

i'm currently visiting my good, good, fiend meals! we are reminising about the good ol' day spent in sudbury. we are thinkin of making the 4hour drive tomorrow to relive the fun times we had. we will visit the townehouse, where alll the employee's took real good care of us. a lot of our good memories keep us going. the amount of dude's that had crushes on us, the way they took care of us, or how they gave us special treatment, or the fact that we were considered the "fun, safe" girls of the townehouse. this trip would go down in history as another stupid event that we thought up. if only we could turn back the clock and know what we do now.... there would be more guys that we would have made out with just for fun, and some guys that we would have just ignored all together. we wouldn't take back those days for anyting, but if we could do it all overagain, the guys is sudbury would be in a lot of trouble. how much fun would life be if we could go back and do somethings over again... and to the skid of the townehouse.... why would you cut your hair? now you can't be the skid.

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