
an ode to my dreads

my dread
most of you know that i have a love for dreadlocks. i loved my dreads, i miss my dreads and i want my dreads back. but, alas most of my close friends and coworkers have told me their incrediable hate for my dreads, not only do they not like dreads because they are seen as dirty and smelly, but some may think that i look horrible with them. but i love my dreads. i have gone back and forth on the issue of putting my dreads back in and even a month ago i had half my head in dreads that i removed again. but i have made a decision, in the fall of 2006 my dreads will be going back into my hair, and staying for a very, very long time.

why would people think my dreads were gross, they got washed every week, if not more. if they started to smell i put airfreshner in them. if they got fuzzy i would shave them. if they started to fall out i waxed them. if they went flat because i slept on them too much i tied pipe cleaners to them so they would stand straight up. i cared for my dreads better than i care for my car.

i just wanted you all to know, that i miss my dreads, and i think about them everyday. and no this is not obsessive.


Anonymous said...

I dread to say it but if you really want them back ...Do It!!!
It is your Doo, wear it the way you want to, just ask yourself will my husband to be like it. I know you say "What husband?" but he is out there and on his way! Like em or not they are yours and you wear em or don't, just do what makes ya happy. Hey I'm behind ya! (just not down wind) Really if you want to have them back do it, if may help you to save$$$, you know no mousse,hairspray, and pipe cleaners you can get at Dollar-rama!

T said...

i liked your dreads...yes it was dirty...but they looked good...it was funny to see how much pain you were in when you puilled them out though...