
refocusing is often the solution to... what was i saying?

so i was focused at one point, and then i easily become distracted but that's ok. i have realized i can no longer focus on living up to societies ideas anymore... really i don't conform to any of their ideas in most areas so why would i think i could live up to them in other areas. really if i can't follow the rules for appropriate excetion of gases how do i expect to live up to the standard married by 30 kids by 35? so i'm now focusing on doing the exact opposite so i'm going to hold off on getting married until i'm at least 65 and maybe i'll have kids by the time i'm 80 that way i'll have lots of money and time to spend with them. plus kids always like their grandparents better so if i'm the age of "normal" grandparents, they might like me more.... hmmm this sounds like a great plan... also instead of getting a career i'm going to focus on being unemployed as much as possible so that i have a lot of free time to sit on my couch and buy scratch tickets... see its all about focusing on the right things, life is only going to get better now that i have these new goals to focus on... and in my spare time i can event and perfect helmets for squeeeeerils so that they don't end up brain dead.... life is great!!!!

1 comment:

L.Bo Marie said...

don't you be stealing my big idea... I'm going to be ritch off of those helmets.....