
and then the chair ate her

well, nothing like a couple of relaxing days away at the cottage to make the world seem like a better place. it was a great time, so nice not to have a tv, a computer or running water to take up your time. well running water could have been useful but i guess not completely necessary. i'm a woodsy girl i can deal with outhouses and days with out showers. i loved fishing, or really just helping other's fish... if i could count the number of times i heard "amanda can you get this fish off my line" at one point i stopped and looked at my outfit. i was wearing a nice black skirt with a nice tank top, ripping worms in half and taking numerous fishies off of hooks... i turned to my friend and said "one day i'm going to make some guy really happy" really what guy wouldn't want a girl who could be all dressed up and have no problem getting a little dirty? really where are you?

1 comment:

L.Bo Marie said...

awww, you're finally home....
good, now I can have a life again..
wait... you leave again today don't you?