
if only....

i've been inspired lately to follow my dreams. i always had dreams but nothing really set in stone. but over the last months i have really come to realize what is important to me. the given is finding the man of my dreams and living happily ever after.... but what about where i want to be, what i want to be doing, and how am i going to do this all?

well if you would ask me where exactly i would like to live, it would be in some small community... and when i say small i mean a couple hundred people tops, with a couple small stores to get by with. hopefully this community would be pretty much in the middle of nowhere but maybe a larger town with in 1hrs drive, but i'm not too picky. my house would be beside a nice quiet lake, with woods surrounding it.

when i say house i don't think i really mean house... i would like more of a cottage like dwelling i believe. not very big, a couple bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a cold cellar, a living room and possibly a loft. i wouldn't want cable or a satellite, or a microwave. just the basics. i would love the house to run on wind and solar power and to be heated by a wood stove. i would have gardens all around the house and would save up the veggies and fruit and preserve it all for the winter. i want a nice porch that goes around most of the cottage with nice comfy chairs with lots of blankets to keep warm on fall evenings.

if possible i wouldn't want to work, just work around the house, raising kids, bartering my eggs and veggies for things we need (cause did i mention i definitely want chickens). i would love to grind my own flour, and have lots of bee hives. but if i did have to work (which is most likely) i would want to work outdoors, work in the woods or something like that.

really i think i just want to go back to the pioneering days and just work the land and be happy with having the people you love surround you.... now its just going to be hard to figure out how to make this all happen.


Anonymous said...

Love the dream now make it a reallity! Ever thought about becoming a Menonite? Could be a start to something big!
Hey Chronic i need help again are you surprised...no I thought not...I can't comment on Parsley Seasonings..I know I know, please just help me.

T said...

you can create a village for yourself...like in that movie...for those who haven't seen it...not that good of a movie...

L.Bo Marie said...

PLEASE sign me up for that life... please?????

Anonymous said...

Does "t" mean Village of the Damned"?
l.bo: Sounds like the good life don't it?

Amanda said...

he means the movie the village i believe... dissapointing movie, in fact i believe L.Bo was quite upset at the end of that movie.