

after a busy day at work yesterday i was heading for home and i get a text message... "u up 4 football?"... it seems earlier in the week i had half heartedly agreed to play football on saturday. so i went home and changed and went to play some football. well foolishly when i agreeed to play football i for some reason thought that some of my female friends would be showing up as well... nope not the case... it was me and the boys. and due to my lack of ability of catching and throwing a football we switched to frisbee. well i'm still suck at frisbee even though i played on the ultimate frisbee team in highschool, which may i add was like 5 years ago (man i'm old). but even though it isn't suppose to be a contact sport i ended up being tackled or instigating a tackle... and one unfortunate incidence of an inappropriate follow through in which t ended up in the fetal position on the ground. sorry t, i didn't mean to... i swear.

but here are somethings i learned about playing football/frisbee with the boys.

1. when you wear a yellow shirt, everyone else including the spectator will be wearing Burgundy.
2. when you drop the frisbee on the ground someone's dog will try to grab it.
3. frisbee shouldn't be played in a park where dogs run free.
4. at least one person will step in poop in the dog park
5. you will always forget where the big holes are when running in a hurry and will fall in
6. someone if not two people will be hit in the head with the football/frisbee
7. when given the perfect opportunity to help your team score, a scary dog will come running at you
8. if you use temporary goal posts ie. a hat, some dog will run away with them
and most importantly
8. when there is a tie and the next point decides it, the other team will conveniently forget to tell you that "this point ends the game"




T said...

Dan was the one who said next point wins...if I remember correctly....Dan was on your team...

and for those of you who care...I'm alright...for now

L.Bo Marie said...

I miss manda

Anonymous said...

hey...i didn't even know you had this! i was just lurking from lesley's. umm......so about you being one of those ultimate nerds in high school... really into mr. storm?
