
hey matthew i came good on the promise!

i spent the last weekend in toronto and as many of you know toronto is not always my favourite place to be. but it was a great trip. this time i didn't get into a car accident, in fact i didn't have any close calls really. so does that mean i'm becoming more accustomed to toronto driving or are torontonian's learning how to drive? i'm not really sure.

meals and i did a lot of shopping, tons in fact. i just want to say that mec is one of my favourite places ever! so lots of money blown and more importantly than that i got to hang with friend's i haven't seen in years. but i have a new favourite food.... shwarma's.... mmmmmm shwarma's. i think that it wasn't all about the food, it was the interesting conversations with people walking by. one guy was convinced that he had been rolling in a snowbank... and for those of you that think canada is always covered in snow its not... this guy was covered in grass and dirt and when questioned about it he calmly said "its ok it will melt." good times at the shwarma place.

i spent one night at moo's house and lets just say, it is sketchy when a driveway is between two houses and its not much wider than a van. but i saw a van backed down it... let me just say that's talent!


Clemster said...

Shwarmas are the best! Had to be my favorite new food discovery while I was in Ottawa. It's gotta be the only food I'd ever consider eating pickled beets in which the guy who introduced me to them made me put in my first shwarma. Heck you could put anything in those and not taste it cause of all the yummy garlic. :D

Amanda said...

i asked about the pink things that were there but they were pickled turnip... oh and i stayed away from the olive leafs that had some mysterious substance in them. but other than that shwarmas are great

L.Bo Marie said...

beef or chicken????
mmm pickley

Amanda said...

chicken... i may have been slightly burnt but it was tastey

L.Bo Marie said...

BIG fan of the beef... *drooling*

hey, I'm making curry, where are you????