
the things i learned this weekend

i had planned a weekend full of absolutely nothing... and then i had a real surprise.
these are the things i learned...

1. if you don't make plans for yourself someone else will make them for you
2. the good movies are always on when you actually have somewhere to be, or the satellite dish will be out.
3. kids will always find you where you are and want to play for hours, just when you thought you were going to have a nap.
4. after a long sunny spell the sun will always hide when you are just about to tan.
5. when you have no plans, except for one important one that takes about 1/2 hour you can be guaranteed someone will call with plans that you would love to be included in that would last the whole day overlapping these important short plans.
6. someone you haven't see in weeks will show up and want to spend time with you which is ok, but you really had your heart on a bag of popcorn and a front row seat on your couch.

and finally,

7. all those little important things that you set aside time for (ie) writing letters, reading a book) will fall along the way side and forgotten for another day.

next time i want nothing to do all weekend... i'm going far far away...

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