
Only in the Valley

G'Day! That's hello in valley speak.

Since moving to the valley I have experienced many different feelings including, pure joy, hatred, rock bottom sadness, confusion, excitment. This place some days makes me so greatful to be alive and other days it leaves me asking why? why? why would anyone live here.

Well some of the best things that has come from here for me is the experiences and the contacts. In no other place would I have these opportunities.

So back to only in the valley. The other day my friend and her college misplaced the name and number for a lady who had requested a group to go out and address a problem with a native rodent. I offered my help in locating this person on the basis that she lived near one of two towns, had a specific accent and owned property where this rodent may live. I made one phone call to a friend that lives near both of these towns and she said "oh, I bet that is ...." Only in the valley would someone identify someone by just those criteria.

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